That’s right, business woman, philanthropist and award-winning author has written her last Bare franchise book.
‘BARE: Curtain Call’ marks the fifth and final book. You may be familiar with the other great releases of this prestigious collection which include BARE:, ‘The Blessers Game’ released in 2017, ‘The Cradle of the Hockey Club’ released in 2019, ‘Ego’ released in 2020, as well as the acclaimed ‘BARE: Mercy’ that was released in 2022 which introduced us to orphaned girls and the downfall of the powers that be.

Curtain Call’ tells a story about redemption and freedom. Its storytelling style invites you to sit at the edge of your seat as you turn each page to suspense and drama.

It is another excellent read allowing you to be consumed by each chapter until its curtain call.
Jackie, who has written ten books in total, says she is ready to put her pen down to focus on her other ventures.
“I have bared these five books addressing blesser and blessee culture; also unpacking different social reflections surrounding that. My work on that is done and will live on forever, and that’s my legacy,” explains Phamotse.

The bare series alone has won several international awards and sold over 100 000 copies. Selling out across Africa, to neighbouring countries that include Botswana and Lesotho and other parts of Africa such as Ghana and Nigeria.

In light of that, Jackie Phamotse will be celebrating this milestone of the BARE books at her book launch next week, 22nd June 2023, at Exclusive Books, Rosebank.

While this may be the last written book, this won’t be her final work. Jackie is currently in pre-production for a television series of which she cannot disclose yet. She plans to continue her social activism, philanthropy work, and will forever pride herself in being the narrator of African tales.